Ring Bearer Duties


A ring bearer is a cherished and adorable part of any wedding ceremony. This young participant is responsible for carrying the couple's wedding rings down the aisle, presenting them to the bride and groom during the ceremony.

The ring bearer's role is symbolic and adds a touch of innocence and charm to the wedding. As the rings represent the couple's commitment to each other, entrusting a young child with this responsibility symbolizes the hope for a bright and joyful future together.

In this article, we will discuss who can be a ring bearer, their duties before and during the wedding, and tips for a successful ring bearer experience. By the end, you will have a better understanding of the importance of the ring bearer's role and how to ensure a smooth and enjoyable wedding experience.

Who can be a Ring Bearer?

Age Requirements for Ring Bearers

Typically, ring bearers are young children between the ages of 3 and 8. However, this is not a strict rule, and you can select a ring bearer outside of this age range based on their maturity and ability to handle the responsibility.

Relationship to the Bride and Groom

Ring bearers are often close relatives or friends of the couple, such as nieces, nephews, or the children of close friends. This creates a personal connection and makes the role more meaningful for both the child and the couple.

Tips for Choosing a Ring Bearer

When choosing a ring bearer, consider the child's temperament, maturity, and ability to handle the pressure of being in front of a large crowd. It's essential to have a backup plan in case the child becomes overwhelmed or unable to perform their duties on the wedding day.

Ring Bearer Duties Before the Wedding

The ring bearer should attend the wedding rehearsal and any pre-wedding events where their presence is required. This helps them become familiar with their role and the wedding party members.

Trying on and Practicing with the Ring Pillow

Before the wedding, the ring bearer should try on their outfit and practice walking down the aisle with the ring pillow. This practice will help them feel more comfortable and confident in their role.

Knowing the Wedding Day Schedule and Their Role in It

Make sure the ring bearer and their parents are aware of the wedding day schedule and the specific timing of their role in the ceremony. This will help avoid any confusion or delays on the big day.

Ring Bearer Duties During the Wedding

Walking Down the Aisle

On the wedding day, the ring bearer will walk down the aisle, usually ahead of the flower girl or immediately before the bride. They should walk slowly and confidently, carrying the ring pillow with the wedding rings attached.

Holding the Ring Pillow and Presenting It to the Couple

Once at the altar, the ring bearer will hold the ring pillow and present it to the best man or the couple when the time comes to exchange rings during the ceremony.

Standing with the Wedding Party During the Ceremony

After presenting the rings, the ring bearer will typically stand with the wedding party for the duration of the ceremony. In some cases, the ring bearer may be seated with their parents if they are too young to stand for an extended period.

Tips for a Successful Ring Bearer Experience

Communicating Clearly with the Ring Bearer and Their Parents

Clear communication with the ring bearer and their parents is crucial to ensure a successful experience. Explain the expectations and responsibilities of the role, and provide guidance on how to handle any potential challenges.

Preparing the Ring Bearer for Their Role

To help the ring bearer feel more confident, give them ample time to practice their walk and become comfortable with the ring pillow. Make sure they understand the order of events during the ceremony and their specific role.

Choosing Appropriate Attire for the Ring Bearer

Select attire for the ring bearer that complements the wedding party's outfits and is comfortable for the child to wear. It is essential to consider the weather and venue conditions when choosing their outfit, ensuring they remain comfortable throughout the day.


In summary, the ring bearer plays a vital role in a wedding ceremony by carrying the couple's wedding rings down the aisle and presenting them during the ceremony. They should be well-prepared for their role, attend pre-wedding events, and understand the wedding day schedule.

The ring bearer adds a unique and charming element to the wedding, symbolizing the couple's hope for a bright and joyful future together. By choosing the right candidate and preparing them well for their role, the ring bearer can help create a memorable and heartwarming wedding experience for everyone involved.

As you plan your special day, remember the importance of the ring bearer's role and invest time in preparing them for a successful and enjoyable wedding experience. With the right preparation and support, your ring bearer will feel confident and proud to be a part of your big day, making your wedding even more memorable and special.

At St. James 1868, we understand the significance of every aspect of your wedding day. We're here to help you create the wedding of your dreams, ensuring that every detail, including the ring bearer's role, is handled with care and precision.

Kate Crowle